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A flow cytometry software that uses a "Slice and Dice" algorithm to ensure diverse single cell deposition into multi-well plates, providing improved clonal selection and compatibility with specific cell sorters
Technology No. T02238

Deposition of single cells into each well of a 96 well plates is a common task for cell sorting flow cytometers. Cells are normally sorted on a “first come, first served basis” with commonly occurring cell types being sorted more often than infrequent cell types based on probability. Different wells can contain cells with the same characteristics and therefore existing sorting methods fail to capture the total diversity of cell populations. This has important implications for true clonal selection.

Dicer software addresses this problem by implementing a novel “Slice and Dice” sorting algorithm that ensures that each well of a multi-well plate contains a cell with different measured characteristics.

Dicer is designed to allow the sorting of single cells or particles into multi-well trays. Trays can be standard 96 well trays or user defined.

Dicer is designed to work with the Becton Dickinson InfluxTM and BD JazzTM cell sorters and provides extra sort modes, “Slice and Dice”, “Sequenced” and “Conventional”, with associated statistics that are not available in BD SortwareTM software.

For convenience we provide a Simulator of Dicer software, that acts like Dicer, but will read users own FCS data files, perform simulated Index Sorts based on “Slice and Dice”, “Sequenced” or “Conventional Index Sorting”.


Dicer Simulator - For simulation of Slice and Dice sorting with saved data files

To obtain Dicer, select 1 unit at checkout.

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Full version - Software License
For Slice and Dice Sorting of cells on BD InfluxTM or JazzTM cell sorters

Term: perpetual

Price per unit:
From $100.00 excl. GST

Simulator - Software Evaluation License
For Simulation of Slice and Dice Sorting with saved data files

Term: 5 years

Free of charge

30 day trial - Software Evaluation License
For Slice and Dice Sorting of cells on BD InfluxTM or JazzTM cell sorters

Term: 1 month

Free of charge